Original Irish Landscape Painting
I love getting commissions that stretch me a little. This Original Irish Art Landscape really took me outside of my comfort zone.
Even better when the painting is to be a big one. Most of my work is figurative and usually of children. It is a nice challenge to paint a figure in the distance.
I cannot put in detail just the lights, shapes and shadows.
The Process
I never paint directly onto a white canvas, it is always toned with colour. The painting will dictate the colour used to tone the board.
For this landscape I used Winsor and Newton Permanent Rose acrylic paint.
This warms the cool colour of the sky and the mountain and helps to balance out the cooler shades of green I the trees and the hedge.
First I sketch in everything and check that the scale is correct. Then the undercoat. I put a very thin layer of diluted oil paint wallk away and wait for it to dry.
When working from photos the camera tends to flatten everything out making the lights and shadows closer together. Luckily I can look out the window and study the lights and shadows in the trees, mountains and the sky and use that in the painting.
The Finer Details
For this Original Irish Art Landscape painting the finer details are the fence, which is barely visible. The gate, the farmer, and those beautiful white pillars. There is plenty of the pink showing through from underneath.
Then Walk Away
There is always the temptation to just keep painting and over do it. So note to self just walk away. It is better to have it under painted and slightly unfinished than overworked and lose the painting.
I let it sit for a few weeks check it again then if I’m happy with the finished product varnish and frame.