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Little Boy Kerry Jersey in the Sam Maguire picking up a football


Why my passion for GAA art began…

GAA Original Oil Painting by Maureen O'Mahony Art

The original painting  ” Birthright” was donated  in loving memory of Tommy Brosnan to the Brosnan family to raise funds for IMNDA.  It was also to honour my brother in law,  Stocky O’Mahony as both of these lovely gentlemen died from Motor Neuron Disease. I had always wanted to paint an image to capture the emotional pull Kerry people have for the  green and gold jersey and their absolute belief that Sam Maguire belongs in the Kingdom. This special painting needed a raison d’etre, and my inspiration came from witnessing the ravages of Motor Neurone Disease. The original painting was bought by Kerry GAA through Bomber Liston . It was then sold in New York to raise funds for the Centre of Excellence.  

Since then, this painting and fine art print  with Kerry Jersey and an O’Neills football has proven to be very popular with Kerry people at home and abroad.  

The reaction to this painting and print has been amazing, and I would like to thank everyone for their kind words of support, and to all who have purchased it. I would like to wish the Kerry team continued success, and the return of the Sam Maguire to Kerry once again in September.  

Each copy of Birthright comes with the following dedication:

Birthright…to the people of Kerry who believe that the Kingdom is the true home of Sam Maguire…
and to all the mighty players past and present…
who made this belief possible.

Birthright is now available to purchase here as a fine art print and it is also available from Henneberys Sports store in Tralee. Price: €145 (unframed) including postage to anywhere in the world. Can also be purchased framed if you are living locally.

Please feel free to contact me for more information:

Contact Mo
cheque presentation
Bomber Liston   J.P.  Brick  Seanie Walsh  John Tuite
Darragh O’Sé Maureen O’Mahony Ger O’Keffee
Maureen O’Mahony Kerry Artist
Ger O’Keeffee Kerry GAA
Darragh O’Sé Kerry GAA Art
Kerry GAA supporter
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Tadhg O’Se Kerry GAA Art

I think that John B Keanes description of a Kerryman is very apt for this page.

Being a Kerryman – By John B Keane
“Being a Kerryman, in my opinion, is the greatest gift that God can bestow on any man. When you belong to Kerry you know you have a head start on the other fellow. In belonging to Kerry you belong to the elements, to the spheres spinning in the Heavens. You belong to History and Language and Romance and Ancient Song. It is almost unbearable being a Kerryman and it is an awesome responsibility “.

Maureen O’Mahony Art – It’s All About The Visual